Help Make Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Accessible to All

We are passionate about making the healing power of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) more widely accessible to all, through education, connection and support for practitioners and teachers with diverse backgrounds. Here is a key way we are working to expand into untapped communities:

The Stephanie Abramson Fund Educational Scholarship Program

Designed for People of the Global Majority (PGM)* and BIPOC students enrolled in BCST practitioner trainings, the Stephanie Abramson Fund was created in loving memory of Stephanie's extraordinary life of service and priority on healthcare access for all.   

Through this fund, we proudly awarded scholarships to 28 students during 2021 through 2024. We are excited to now see a significant increase in eligible scholarship recipients.

This growth is largely due to a Global Majority Mentorship Pilot (GMMP), developed in 2024 to facilitate mentor relationships for BIPOC teacher trainees. This is helping to bring forward valuable teaching talent and create more of the safe learning spaces that are important for all students who study Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. 

The Abramson Scholarship Program depends on ongoing donations.

Make a gift to help us keep the program alive and growing!



"I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for making this Abramson scholarship possible. I am deeply appreciative of my support. Grounded in Eastern philosophy & Medicine, expanded with Modern Nutritional sciences, I am now focusing on this profound body work therapy; Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Upon graduation I'm thrilled to take this work to an enormous number of people, leaving them with hope and creating a niche in supporting mommies and new-born babies.”

- Pavritha Malli, BCST Student in Denver, Colorado

You can find information about 2025 Stephanie Abramson Scholarship applications here.

About Stephanie Abramson

The Stephanie Abramson Fund honors Stephanie's dedication to making health care accessible to all populations, and carries that intention forward in our field. 

In her life, Stephanie was committed to supporting the wellbeing of those in her community and educating the next generation of practitioners. She split her time between working at Smile herbal shop in College Park, Maryland, a community resource that brought herbal medicine to mostly lower and middle class people of color, attending births as a doula, while tutoring students and running a thriving private BCST practice.  After 11 years of assisting and another 8 years of co-teaching Stephanie contributed to the education of hundreds of students.

Stephanie took her time with clients, allowing them the space they needed to settle. It was not uncommon that after a session she might offer a cup of homemade soup. It was not that Stephanie had a lot of money, or an abundance of resources. She worked three jobs into her 70’s to make ends meet, but prioritized the care of clients and friends. She kept her fees low and took on pro bono clients, out of her commitment for anyone to have access to her care.

Her dedication and compassion continue to inspire us.

*People of the Global Majority (PGM) are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, representing over 80% of the world’s population.

BCTA/NA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.