Programs for Practitioners, Students, and Teachers of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)



Date: Saturday September 7, 2024 

Time: 8:30am PDT/ 11:30 EDT  to  5:00pm PDT/ 8:00pm EDT

Member Price: $119   --   Non-Member Price: $139

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Speaker Lineup: 

image of Brigit Viksnins with text reading "click to learn more"Presentation: Flow and Freeze

Brigit will discuss differentiating neutral from the stasis of white knuckling and the disembodied depths of freeze.

Participants will be able to differentiate their practitioner neutral from safety and danger states and why neutral with company is necessary yet feels dangerous to the human security system. She will show you how to identify the seven realms of human autonomic function and how to recognize the three zones of resilience. 

Brigit Viksnins, RCST®, SEP, LMT created "Alchemical Alignment, Somatic Work for Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit." Alchemical Alignment is a protocol-free, spirit-led, experiential somatic modality that draws on a range of bodywork traditions. It is interactive, intimate, choice- and awareness-oriented.


image of Chari Smith with text reading "click to learn more"Presentation: Constellations in the Tide

Both Constellations and BCST use deep listening to someone's field to help a body or system heal. Learn more about constellation work, how it relates to BCST, and can serve you as a practitioner.

Participants will learn what constellations work is, its commonalities with BCST, how the principles from constellations  can be applied to your craniosacral practice. 

Chari Smith, BCST was a Focusing counsellor (a body-based emotional work developed by Eugene Gendlin) for 15 years and then trained in constellation work in 2017. She's done thousands of constellations over the past 8 years. Chari also studied under Anna Chitty and is a BCST graduate from Colorado School of Energy Studies. She is motivated by the fascinating overlap between the two disciplines.


image of Dominique Clothiaux with text reading "click to learn more"Presentation: Birth and the Primitive Brain

Dominique will explore the hormonal physiology of birth, the hardwiring of the birthing parent's brain, and the importance of understanding its implications for the future of the human species, specifically in the modern world. 

This talk will inform practitioners about the living biodynamics in relation to normal physiological birth and increase your understanding of how to better support resolution of nervous system injury during birthing time.

Dominique Clothiaux, RCST®, CPM, LMT is a traditionally trained and Licensed Midwife, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Pre & Perinatal Birth Educator, and Horsewoman from Charlottesville Virginia.


image of Elizabeth Newman with text reading "click to learn more"Presentation: Courage at the Roots of Osteopathy

Elizabeth will take us on a pilgrimage into osteopathy's rich origins and its ties to Indigenous people, particularly the Shawnee. Recognizing that there's has been a lack of representation of their perspective, Elizabeth's talk is derived from her conversations with Shawnee Chiefs who are the descendants friends of those who were friends with Osteopathy's founder, A.T. Still. 

 History is not dormant; it lives within our bones and the land under our feet. It is a living reality and a breath of life. We hope this presentation leaves you feeling inspired to carry the torch of the enduring and ever-evolving tradition of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

Elizabeth Newman, RCST® has over 20 years of experience working with clients from all walks of life. She is a dynamic speaker and educator on topics including BCST, Stages of the Embryo, Healing from Trauma, and Grief & Humor.


Date: Saturday September 7, 2024 

Time: 8:30am PDT/ 11:30 EDT  to  5:00pm PDT/ 8:00pm EDT

Member Price: $119   --   Non-Member Price: $139

[ Attend live or watch recordings ]

Unlimited access to recordings is included for all registrants.


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The 2024 1-Day Summit is an opportunity for us to learn from one another and find our shared experiences while still respecting our unique perspectives.  We look forward to sharing in this incredible event with you!



Biodynamics and Other Craniosacral Approaches: Similarities and Differences, with Michael Shea, PhD, RCST®, LMT

image of Michael SheaDate: Wednesday August 21, 2024 

Time: 8:00am - 9:00am Pacific; 11:00am - 12:00pm Eastern

Member Price: $0   --   Non-Member Price: $20

[ Attend live or watch recordings ]

Unlimited access to recordings is included for all registrants.


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"What's the difference between Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Upledger?"

Is something you've been asked, or perhaps have even wondered yourself? What truly is the difference between Biodynamics and other craniosacral therapies? Join us for this talk where Dr. Shea will explain the similarities and differences between these approaches. As a fully trained instructor for both Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy and the Upledger Institute, he'll talk through the fundamental differences and how these approaches can also complement each other. 

This talk is free to Members and $20 for Non-members.

Michael Shea, PhD, RCST®, LMT is one of the preeminent educators and authors in the fields of somatic psychology, myofascial release, and craniosacral therapy. He leads seminars throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe and has taught at the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. He was mentored by Raymond Gasser for five years, and completed a mentorship with Jim Jealous D.O. in the 90s. Dr. Shea has published several books and has a new release forthcoming in 2025 called, "The Biodynamic Heart". Learn more about Dr. Shea here.



Esoteric Explorations of The Heart, The Brain Ventricles, and CSF in the Biodynamic Perception and Practice ~ Two-Part Series from Michael Dunning, RCST®

photo of michael dunning standing amongst the treesRecorded live June 19 & 26, 2024

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Join us for this two-part course to gain a deeper perceptual understanding of the dynamic morphology/embryology of the brain ventricles, CSF and the heart that will enhance your biodynamic practice. Learn the historic connections between the western mystery/hermetic tradition and the evolution of biodynamic craniosacral therapy via Sutherland’s osteopathic work. 

Focusing on the brain ventricles, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and the heart, Michael will demonstrate how esoteric ideas and sensibilities can greatly enhance our practical and perceptual abilities and should be reclaimed for the biodynamic craniosacral community. Facing the growing epidemic of metabolic and inflammatory diseases affecting our clients, we need these ancient skills more than ever!

Part One will focus on the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) & Ventricles - CSF, the choroid plexus & biodynamic perception - Widening our biodynamic horizons. Demonstration included.

Part Two will focus on the Blood and the heart - the cardiovascular system and biodynamic perception - Widening our biodynamic horizons. Demonstration included. 

Michael Dunning, RCST® was called to study craniosacral work in the early 1990’s during a prolonged health crisis that led him to an ancient female yew tree in Scotland. Michael spent over 9 years healing and learning from the tree. After completing craniosacral training, Michael became interested in the paradigm of biodynamic craniosacral therapy. The fundamental principles of the biodynamic work more accurately reflected his experiences with the yew tree. By the early 2000’s Michael had emigrated to the USA.Today, Michael runs a busy biodynamic craniosacral practice in western Massachusetts on the banks of the majestic Connecticut River.

BCTA/NA Members: $120 USD
Non-members: $155 USD

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 Registrants receive unlimited access to recordings and course materials.

July TIDEtalk:

Biodynamics and Midwifery, with Dominique Clothiaux, RCST®, CPM ~ Wednesday, July 17, 2024,  4 pm (Pacific) / 7 pm Eastern 

Free and open to BCTA/NA Members only.

Learn More & Register Now

At TIDEtalks, BCTA/NA members share their observations and discoveries that come from their active work in the field. Find recordings of past TIDEtalks here.


Find many more BCTA/NA webinars and courses in our Learning Center

 Courses Offered by Teacher Partners:

BCST Introductory and Certification Trainings