Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access Resources
At the heart of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is the relational field between the practitioner and client. Trust and presence must be built to receive all that emerges in a BCST session or classroom. This requires respectful awareness and understanding of the stress and trauma held in the bodies of people with diverse racial, cultural, and identity backgrounds, whose lived experiences may be vastly different from your own.
Dealing with diversity and inclusion issues can be challenging and deeply layered. As BCST practitioners and teachers, it is crucial for us to educate ourselves and work on our own unconscious biases, with openness, curiosity, and compassion.
Here are some resources to support your ongoing education and self-development.
Racial Healing & Justice Resources
Race-based or ethnic stress and trauma exist in the bodies of millions of people, yet many do not truly understand what they are. Browse our Racial Healing and Justice resources page for a selection from the many books, videos and other resources available to help you become aware of subconscious biases and work on shifting them.
LGBTQIA+ Resources
For a wealth of information on queer/transgender inclusivity, gender dysphoria and more, visit our LGBTQIA+ resource page which includes a glossary of terms, books, podcasts, videos, and people to follow.
Respecting Persons With Disabilities
These resources offer some basics on respectful language to use in communicating with or about people with disabilities:
- Don't be scared to talk about disabilities. Here's what to know and what to say. An interview by NPR, featuring guidance from disability rights activist Emily Ladau, author of Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to be an Ally.
- Webinar: Disability Etiquette | It’s Just Respect, presented by RespectAbility
- Appropriate Terminology, published by Brown University Student Accessibility Services
Access Intimacy, Interdependence, and Disability Justice, with Mia Mingus. A talk on reframing understandings of disability, and access intimacy between able-bodied people and people with disability.
Learning About Neurodiversity
Neurodiversity covers a range of neurological variations, including ADHD, autism, dyslexia and other ways that the brain functions differently than what society views as typical. Here are some perspectives and information on neurodiversity: